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International Admissions

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Applicants to the school are considered on the basis of their application, language assessment scores, previous school records, and teacher recommendations.

Academy of the Sacred Heart follows the process of rolling Admissions.  Applications are accepted at any time. Parents are contacted with an admission decision as soon as all application materials are received.  Parents are requested to reply within two weeks of formal acceptance.

Checklist for International Students

All documents should be completed in English.  Upon receipt of all items listed above, your daughter’s file will be reviewed by the Admissions Committee.  If your daughter is accepted, the following documents will be sent to you: • acceptance letter • enrollment contract • various admission forms.

These forms should be completed and returned to school with the required enrollment deposit.  The deposit can be wired, or paid by check or credit card.  All checks must be drawn off a U.S. bank account. Receipt of these documents and the enrollment deposit will reserve a spot for your daughter at the Academy.

Upon receipt of the signed enrollment contract and deposit, we will prepare and send an I-20 form (U.S. Department of Justice – Immigration and Naturalization Certificate of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant [F1] Student).   Your daughter will need this document in order to obtain her student VISA.   This will allow her to study in the U.S.

If you have any questions during the admissions process, please contact the Admissions Office. Telephone – 337.662.7064 – E-mail

In order to save on shipping/mailing costs, documents can be scanned and e-mailed to:  Please apply early. Limited space is available in the boarding school.

School Information: Street address: 1821 Academy Road Telephone: 337.662.7064 Grand Coteau, LA 70541 Fax: 337.662.3011 Post Office Box: P.O. Box 310 Grand Coteau, LA 70541